A Few Cooking Tips For A Tasty Dish

Cooking is an art for some while it is a necessity for others. In today’s world it is hard for anyone to make time for cooking in their busy everyday schedule. However when you do, those of you love to cook, will of course want to cook something new and experimental.

Well whether you decide to for something quirky or something traditional, we often refer to recipes online or cook books. Sometimes a little help and guide is what is needed in order to cook the perfect dish. If you are considering referring to main course recipe tips in hindi online or from other sources, here are some basic cooking tips that will never fail you:

  1. Pressure cookers are one of the trickiest cooking utensils. Every cooker has its own system of functioning and the trick thus is to make sure that your food gets cooked just the way you want it to be. The most important thing that you need to remember when it comes to pressure cookers is that you always have to keep the gas on low flame while cooking in a pressure cooker. Make sure that you do not keep the gas on high flame or the dish that you are trying to cook is bound to get overcooked if it stays on it for too long. In fact when it comes to cooking in other utensils, especially the non-stick ones, it is best to keep the gas on a low flame and a high flame when just adding fresh ingredients to it.
  2. Salt is a very important ingredient when it comes to cooking man course dishes. However we need to take care to add salt at the right time especially when cooking dishes that require marinating. It is important not to add the soil when the dish is being marinated, like say when you are marinating. If salt is kept in that state for too long then it loses all its goodness and the taste too decreases. So add salt at the end of the cooking stage to get the proper taste and to retain the goodness of salt.
  3. If you want to keep it healthy when it comes to sautéing vegetables then the finest trick in the book is to boil the vegetables for just a couple of minutes, not more than 2-3 and then fry it in oil, preferably olive oil. This will make sure that you do not have to sauté the vegetables for a long time and they will retain their crispiness as well.
  4. Another great tip to consider when it comes to referring to main course recipes
    is to modulate what spices are you to add and what you would rather not. There are a lot of recipes that suggest the use of red chillies or red chilli powder which is not good for health. So if you want you can avoid them.
  5. And last but not the least do make sure that you boil the food properly before you serve it. Give enough time to cook it and do not rush through the process.

These five cooking tips work out just find when it comes to making sure that you cook a nice dish for your loved ones.

Akshay Sharma

Hi! I’m Akshay Sharma. I’m a blogger at LetsJumpToday & Imagination Waffle. You can contact me on Twitter and facebook.

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